LED Light Therapy
Hailed as the perfect complexion boost, LED phototherapy stimulates the skin's natural repair processes to promote healthy looking skin by accelerating cell renewal as well as resolve a range of skin concerns. It also improves circulation, reduces pigmentation and redness as well as stimulates healing of blemishes /acne and is used for anti-aging benefits.

What is LED Light Therapy?
LED therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses non-thermal LED light energy to trigger your body’s natural cell processes . This results in your skin rejuvenating and repairing itself. We recommend this treatment for skin rejuvenation, sun damage, acne and inflammatory conditions. We also use it for wound healing and scarring as well as anyone looking to restore their skin’s radiance.
LED Light Therapy is great in every single facial to calm any areas of irritation and it’s also brilliant at brightening the skin.
When used consistently, over time, LED lights will penetrate your skin at different depths and result in healthier looking skin.
A course of treatments offers corrective and long-lasting results, although you’ll be able to see a difference after the first session. Light therapy is also particularly calming, so you’ll leave feeling refreshed
LED treatments are quick and convenient, with an average treatment time of 10-20 minutes per session depending on the treated area.

What does LED Light Therapy help with:
- Complexion enhancement
- Collagen boost
- Photo-rejuvenation
- Purification
- Youthful restoration
- Cellular rejuvenation
- Anti-inflammatory
- Calming effect

Procedures & Duration
LED Light Therapy can be used as a stand-alone treatment or combined with various other treatments to enhance results and assist in healing of the skin.
LED Light Therapy can be done monthly or bi-weekly and can also be scheduled every 2nd day.
Each session lasts approximately 20 minutes, and up to 10 sessions may be necessary.

LED Light Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions
Can LED only be done on the face
It can safely be used on any area including the face, neck, hands, and even the stomach!
What can LED Therapy treat
Light, in its various guises, penetrates the skin and stimulates mechanisms that can help to eliminate bacteria, plump-out lines and deliver results that are very noticeable.
Our LED light device has 3 main coloured lights namely red, blue and green and treat the following conditions
- Helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin
- Increase circulation
- Accelerate tissue repair
- Improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Decrease Inflammation
- Improve skin firmness
- Kills P.Acne Bacteria associated with pustular acne
- Soothes inflammation resulting in a clearer, smoother complexion.
- Ideal for sun damaged skin as it stimulates nutrient uptake into the skin while assisting to brighten the skin through the inhibition of melanin production
How many sessions do I need
We suggest coming in for a consultation so that we can asses the area(s) that need to be treated, and we can give you a more accurate and personal treatment plan. We usually recommend 6 to 8 sessions for noticeable improvements.
Is there any downtime
Treatments are fast, effective & are not associated with any downtime.
How long will results last
Results have been known to last for from 6 – 12 months. Top up treatments are required after the initial course for optimum results at 6 to 8 weekly intervals.