Tanning Bed
Maintaining a year-round tan without damaging your skin. Our sessions help you achieve your bronze glow by gradually exposing the outer layer of your skin to UV light. Unlike direct sunlight, which can risk burning due to our depleted ozone, our tanning bed offers your skin a healthy dose of controlled light.

Why Choose Indoor Tanning?
Indoor Tanning offers clients a safe and effective alternative to outdoor tanning all year round.
Along with the psychological benefits of tanning, UV exposure produces naturally activated Vitamin D in the body.
Designed to provide your skin with higher levels of UVA and low levels of UVB while eliminating harmful UVC to promote melanin production needed to give you a bronze glow.
Our sessions last for a maximum duration of 10 minutes.

Is it Safe?
Irregular and unmanaged exposure to the natural sun often leads to sunburn and skin damage.
By tanning regularly, the human body develops a natural tolerance to the sun by activating the melanin in the skin. This helps to prevent sunburn and skin damage from UV exposure.
Tanning beds use UVA and UVB light to activate the skin’s natural melanin. A high UVA, low UVB intensity optimises the deep tissue within the skin to create a natural tan without burning the skin’s fragile surface.
Tanning beds also filter the harsh and harmful UV rays emitted by the natural sun. By tanning in short, regular sessions, using indoor tanning machines greatly reduces the risk of over-exposure to the sun and skin damage.

How Often Should I Tan?
It is important to know your own skin. If your skin is sensitive and burns easily, make sure your sessions are short and spaced a few days apart so that your base tan builds slowly and effectively.
It is recommended that a minimum of 24 hours is left between tanning sessions. Our advice is to tan a maximum of 3 times in a week to avoid overexposure.
A healthy tan can be maintained in 1 or 2 sessions a week if correctly maintained.

Tanning Bed